venerdì 21 febbraio 2014

30 Days Lolita Challenge - Day 4

Hello my Victorians!

Giorno 4, riguarda il cibo! XD/Day 4 food-related XD

Day 4 – 10 different kinds of food you like.
  1. Sweets & Desserts! I can't resist them! Especially chocolate! XD
  2. Pizza :)
  3. Fries. Salty, fried, fantastic potatoes ç_ç
  4. Tea. I drink a lot of tea! Even though I've tried many qualities of tea, Earl Grey is always my favourite! Scent of bergamot <3
  5. Risotto, especially with saffron or mushrooms and many others!
  6. Pizzoccheri. Another italian dish, great in winter days^^
  7. Japanese food. Udon, maki, mochi and so on! I would like to try ramen soup as well, but a vegetarian one, since I don't eat meat!
  8. Strawberries and bananas! Have you ever tried fruits dipped in chocolate? *w*
  9. Some vegetables: carrots, yellow peppers, zucchini, spinach, tomatoes etc etc
  10. Vegetarian fajitas. I don't eat them quite often but I'm glad we have a Tex-Mex restaurant nearby! XD

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