lunedì 17 marzo 2014

30 Days Lolita Challenge - Days 16 - 17 - 18

Bonjour my Victorians!

Sono così in ritardo con la challenge! Acceleriamo un po! :)
I'm so late with this challenge! Let's speed up a bit! :)

Day 16 – Your outfit for the day.

Nothing special and this pic is so ugly but, today seems like Spring has come so I decided to wear my pink Converse All Stars, Carpisa ribbon bag, Geisha tshirt, black cardigan, a necklace and blue jeans!

Bonus pic: yesterday@Cartoomics

Day 17 – What do you want more then anything right now?

I'd like to see my cat Luna! She went outside yesterday evening and she hasn't come back yet!!!!

Day 18 – A picture of your favorite lolita style.

A mix of Victorian & Gothic Lolita

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