venerdì 28 febbraio 2014

30 Days Lolita Challenge - Day 7

Bonsoir my Victorians!^^

Devo dire che non so se riesco ad arrivare a 10 persone che mi ispirano.. Ne ho alcune ma non credo 10, Prendo ispirazione dalle foto la maggior parte delle volte, quindi vediamo cosa riesco a trovare...

I have to say that I don't know if I can reach 10 people inspiring me..I got some but I don't think they're 10, I get inspiration from pictures most of the time, so let's see what I can find...

Day 7 – 10 people who inspire your lolita style.

1. Hizaki
2. Mana
3. Viona (she's not a lolita but her costumes and pics inspire a lot!)

4. Coco Milk

5. Pixie Late

6. Fille de Porcelaine (I used to follow her on youtube but I don't know if she's still into Lolita)

Sabbia di Luna - Victorian Style & More

giovedì 27 febbraio 2014

30 Days Lolita Challenge - Day 6


L'altra entry del giorno.../Other entry of the day...

Day 6 - 10 things you can't live without in lolita

1. One Pieces. I like them more than jsks

2. Glorious prints. Some prints are really amazing, very well detailed and beautiful

3. Huge hair. Sometimes I like using my real hair for lolita but wigs and halfwigs are so full and rich *w*

4. Rose headdresses. *roses everywhere*

5. Cute accessories, especially rings and necklaces

6. Always looking for new stuff. Even if it gets frustrating sometimes, when I don't have money -.-

7. Perfect shoes. Shoes for all occasions, comfy but at the same time cute and with heels

8. The right petticoat. I'm still looking for it! Petticoat is mandatory and hides a lot XD

9. Great events!

10. Lolita friends! :)

Harajuku Fashion Show@Comiconvention 23.02.2014

 Bonjour my Victorians!

Come sapete o se l'avete visto su Facebook, la scorsa domenica c'è stata una sfilata, "Harajuku Style", a Milano, presso la Comiconvention. E' stata organizzata da Harajuku Fashion Walk Milano. Io e le mie amiche vi abbiamo partecipato, è stato bello vedersi e fare un giro per la fiera! Abbiamo anche comprato alcune cosucce XD Comunque, devo dire che prima della sfilata era davvero molto agitata ma, tutto è andato bene :) C'erano molti stili, come Lolita, Gyaru, Visual, EGA e così via.. Io ero in lolita (ovviamente XD), indossavo l'Alchemy Op Moi Meme Moitié + headbow coordinato e una parrucca MOLTO bionda di Lockshop! Non so ancora se mi piace questa parrucca... Beh, dopo la sfilata abbiamo fatto alcune foto e mangiato qualcosa (stavamo morendo di fame XD). Mi è piaciuto molto questo evento (anche se devo imparare come posare XD), anche perché di solito sono molto timida e i luoghi affollati non sono proprio il mio genere :/ Ora vi mostrerò qualche foto! :)

Foto di gruppo - Group Shot

As you may know or if you have seen it on Facebook, last Sunday we had a fashion show, "Harajuku Style", in Milan, at the Comiconvention. It was organized by Harajuku Fashion Walk Milano. My friends and I attended this event, it was nice to see each other and take a look around the fair! We also bought some things XD Anyway, I have to say that before the show I was really nervous but it all went well :) There were many styles, such as Lolita, Gyaru, Visual, EGA and so on.. I was wearing lolita clothes (obviously XD), I was wearing Moi Meme Moitié Alchemy Op + matching headbow and a VERY blond wig by Lockshop! I still don't know if I like this wig... Well, after the show we took some pics and ate something (we were starving! XD). I enjoyed this event (even if I have to learn how to pose XD), also because I'm usually very shy and crowded places are not my kind of thing :/ Well, now I'll show you some pics! :)
Lisa in Cult Party Kei, Giulia in Country Lolita and me in Gothic Lolita

Aurora in Sweet Lolita

Harajuku Fashion Walk Admins

Gyaru Style
I like this pic <3

Sabbia di Luna - Victorian Style & More

mercoledì 26 febbraio 2014

Eventi Marzo-Aprile/March-April Events

Bonsoir my Victorians!

Febbraio è quasi agli sgoccioli, la Primavera sta arrivando quindi... ripartiamo con nuovi eventi ;)

February is almost over, Spring is coming so... here we go again with brand new events ;)

-Lolita Mini Meet: Ratatouille 7.03.2014 Milano/Milan, Italy

-Gala Nocturna 8th Edition 8.03.2014 Zoo Antwerpen, Belgio/Belgium

-Harajuku Fashion Walk Pescara Sesta Edizione 23.03.2014 Pescara, Italy

-Meet primaverile Torino 29.03.2014 Torino/Turin, Italy

-Incontro dall'Ottocento a oggi 30.03.2014 Milano/Milan, Italy

-Enchanted 5.04.2014 Londra/London, UK
+Tea Party 6.04.2014 Londra/London, UK

-Rose Trianon 1st Tea Party 12.04.2014 Antwerp, Belgio/Belgium

-Picnic Lolita 13.04.2014 Milano/Milan, Italy

-Harajuku Fashion Walk Venezia - Haru Edition 13.04.2014 Venezia/Venice, Italy

-Picnic di Pasquetta by Loli Loli Coff Coff 21.04.2014 Milano/Milan, Italy

-Conferenza sul Lolita Style + Fashion Walk 26.04.2014 Udine, Italy

-7° Harajuku Fashion Walk Milano 27.04.2014 Milano/Milan, Italy

-Steampunk Lunch *evento esclusivo per chi acquista il ticket* 27.04.2014 San Polo di Piave (Tv) Italy

Sabbia di Luna - Victorian Style & More

30 Days Lolita Challenge - Day 5

Bonsoir my Victorians!

Sono già in ritardo con la challenge quindi cercherò di tenere un po il passo XD/I'm already late with my challenge so I'll try to keep up a bit XD

Day 5 – 10 items from your wishlist.
(in scrambled order!)

1 - Innocent World Royal Library High Waist jsk in wine

2 - Alice & the Pirates Cinderella Jewelry jsk in navy

3 - Alice & the Pirates Scent of Rapunzel jsk 1 or 2 in black

4 - Alice & the Pirates Elizabeth bride of the death jsk 1 or 2 in navy

5 - Moi Meme Moitié Scallop Lace Op in green (and wine!)

6 - Alice & the Pirates - Gloria jsk 1 or 2 in black

7 - Fanplusfriend Baroque Pipe Organ jsk in red

8 - Metamorphose Twinkle Journey jsk in black or navy

9 - Alice & the Pirates The End of Immortal Eden (the Op or jsk) in navy

10 - Alice & the Pirates Gathered Chiffon Frill jsk in blackXiris

venerdì 21 febbraio 2014

30 Days Lolita Challenge - Day 4

Hello my Victorians!

Giorno 4, riguarda il cibo! XD/Day 4 food-related XD

Day 4 – 10 different kinds of food you like.
  1. Sweets & Desserts! I can't resist them! Especially chocolate! XD
  2. Pizza :)
  3. Fries. Salty, fried, fantastic potatoes ç_ç
  4. Tea. I drink a lot of tea! Even though I've tried many qualities of tea, Earl Grey is always my favourite! Scent of bergamot <3
  5. Risotto, especially with saffron or mushrooms and many others!
  6. Pizzoccheri. Another italian dish, great in winter days^^
  7. Japanese food. Udon, maki, mochi and so on! I would like to try ramen soup as well, but a vegetarian one, since I don't eat meat!
  8. Strawberries and bananas! Have you ever tried fruits dipped in chocolate? *w*
  9. Some vegetables: carrots, yellow peppers, zucchini, spinach, tomatoes etc etc
  10. Vegetarian fajitas. I don't eat them quite often but I'm glad we have a Tex-Mex restaurant nearby! XD

mercoledì 19 febbraio 2014

30 Days Lolita Challenge - Day 2 and 3

Bonsoir my Victorians! :)

Dato che è mezzanotte e mezza, ecco che arrivano, Giorno 2 e 3.../Since it's half past midnight, here they come, Day 2 and 3...

Day 2 – 10 things you love in lolita.
  1. Clothes obviously XD I mean, especially OPs with empire waist, not too frilly but simple or with great prints
  2. Hiding! With lolita I can hide my not so skinny figure under skirts and petticoats XD
  3. Great events. Conventions, tea parties, meetings and so on!
  4. Sharing the same passion with friends! Talking about our online shopping, complaining about shipping and custom fees, our wishlists, waiting for a package to arrive etc, etc
  5. I like the fact that wearing lolita clothes really makes me feel good :)
  6. Good reactions from people around me
  7. Finding my dream dress <3
  8. Wigs! Changing hair colour and style whenever I want!
  9. Bags. In every shape, especially bat-shaped, book-shaped and violin-shaped
  10. Huge headdresses, especially with roses *w*
Day 2 – 10 things you hate in lolita.

  1. Seeing a dress killed by the owner. Seriously, you can be rich and buy "burando" but if you don't have taste and you don't know how to wear some clothes, just don't buy them!
  2. Some colour-matching. PurpleXblack, redXblack tend to be "ita" or an imitation of cheap Gothic
  3. How some lolitas sound like know-it-alls. They hide behind "I can give you advice" but the truth is they want to show how good they are
  4. Leaks and viciousness in communities/on live journal etc etc. They really disgust me
  5. Knee-length/Ankle-length socks. I last wore them when I was 6 maybe XD They kill legs!
  6. Lolita cosplays -.-
  7. Bad remarks :( Especially from badly dressed people/people wearing baggy clothes! Seriously? How dare you? -.-
  8. Too many temptations ç____ç Online shopping is the best and the worst at the same time!
  9. Waiting for packages to arrive/ dealing with local post office/ custom fees... They're really bad bad things!!
  10. Dream dresses in my wishlist that I know I won't find or they won't fit me for sure :(
Sabbia di Luna - Victorian Style & More

martedì 18 febbraio 2014

30 Days Lolita Challenge - Day 1

Hello my Victorians!

La mia amica Giulia mi ha suggerito questa Challenge, credo sia carino condividere qualcosa di personale riguardo il Lolita, così ho deciso di provarci :) Non so se potrò postare una entry tutti i giorni ma vedremo! Potete provare questa challenge anche voi^^
[Per comodità farò la challenge solo in inglese]

My friend Giulia suggested me this Challenge, I think it's nice sharing something personal about Lolita, so I decided to give it a try :) I don't know if I'll be able to post an entry everyday but we'll see! You can try this challenge too^^

Day 1 – 10 things about your lolita bubble.
Day 2 – 10 things you love in lolita.
Day 3 – 10 things you hate in lolita.
Day 4 – 10 different kinds of food you like.
Day 5 – 10 items from your wishlist.
Day 6 – 10 things you can’t live without in lolita.
Day 7 – 10 people who inspire your lolita style.
Day 8 – 10 songs that inspire you for lolita.
Day 9 – 10 things you will never do in lolita.
Day 10 – What’s in your bag?
Day 11 – One day in your lolita life in pictures.
Day 12 – A picture of yourself before lolita came in to your life.
Day 13 – A picture of your favorite sweets.
Day 14 – A picture of your dream item.
Day 15 – A picture of your last lolita purchase.
Day 16 – Your outfit for the day.
Day 17 – What do you want more then anything right now?
Day 18 – A picture of your favorite lolita style.
Day 19 – What’s in your make-up bag?
Day 20 – A picture of a lolita friend.
Day 21 – Your favorite fictional lolita.
Day 22 – A picture of your room.
Day 23 – A picture of your handwriting.
Day 24 – A picture of you from a meet.
Day 25 – Your favorite lolita themed artwork.
Day 26 – Your Facebook profile picture.
Day 27 – One song that fits your favorite lolita style.
Day 28 – A picture of the perfect lolita location.
Day 29 – A picture of a lolita you would love to meet for real.
Day 30 – A photo of yourself taken today and 3 good things that’s happened over the last 30

Day 1 - Ten things about your lolita bubble

  1. I like how this fashion has become my guideline even when I do shopping in "normal" shops
  2. I can spend hours online looking for lolita stuff I like
  3. Sometimes I think if I'm too old for Lolita
  4. Some other times I just don't care about age and think I'll wear loli clothes forever XD
  5. My favourite style is a mix between Gothic lolita and Victorian fashion
  6. I'm trying to create a huge wardrobe in my new home so I can try my outfits without being interrupted XD
  7. My wishlist grows all the time -.-
  8. I would like to be satisfied with my outfits (maybe when I'll have more stuff)
  9. I'm glad I've been able to meet great people sharing the same passion <3
  10. I always fear other people's remarks ._.

giovedì 13 febbraio 2014

[Gala Dress Update #2] Maschera/Mask

Bonsoir my Victorians!

Settimana scorsa, prima di partire per Parigi ho ricevuto molti pacchetti (roba lolita di cui farò presto una review), uno di questi pacchetti era la maschera che ho comprato per il Gala! Devo ringraziare Francesca che mi ha ricordato questo bellissimo negozio su Facebook: The Scarlet Room. Mina, la ragazza che lo gestisce è molto gentile e davvero molto talentuosa! Dovete dare un'occhio al suo shop! :)
Questa è la maschera che ho comprato, credo sia davvero bellissima e stupenda! Ricami e perline! *w* Ci sta perfettamente con la mia idea di bosco/edera/foglie ecc ecc, non vedo l'ora di indossarla! L'unico problema è che..non posso mettere gli occhiali con questa maschera XD Devo decidere: rimanere cieca tutta la sera o mettere le lenti a contatto (i miei occhi non sopportano le lenti a contatto -.-) Vedremo! I consigli sono sempre ben accetti! Nel frattempo, date uno sguardo al negozio di Mina e a presto!^^ [il link è qui sotto]

Last week, before leaving for Paris I've received a lot of packages (Lolita stuff I'll review soon), one of these packages was the mask I've bought for the Gala! I have to thank Francesca who reminded me about this beautiful shop on Facebook: The Scarlet Room. Mina, the girl who runs the shop is very kind and very talented! You have to check her shop out! :)
This is the mask I've bought, I think it's beautiful and amazing! Embroideries and beads! *w* It fits perfectly with my idea of wood/ivy/leaves etc etc I can't wait to wear it! The only problem is..I can't wear glasses with this mask on XD I have to decide: being blind all night or wearing contacts (my eyes can't stand contacts -.-)
We'll see! Suggestions are always welcome! Meanwhile, take a look at Mina's shop and see you soon!^^

------>The Scarlet Room - Creative Dreamers Workshop<------

Sabbia di Luna - Victorian Style & More

mercoledì 12 febbraio 2014

Jupiter Live in Paris - 7-9/02/2014

Hello my Victorians!

Questa entry riguarderà Parigi e la musica, dal momento che lo scorso weekend ero in Francia al live dei Jupiter, che si è tenuto vicino Parigi (Eragny). Ero molto emozionata perché questa volta ho avuto l'opportunità di comprare un biglietto VIP e ho potuto incontrare la band, partecipare alla loro intervista e fare le foto con loro! Il giorno dopo hanno tenuto anche una conferenza e una sessione autografi al Paris Manga, una grande fiera del fumetto!

This entry will be about Paris and music, since this past weekend I was in France, attending Jupiter's live, that took place near Paris (Eragny). I was very excited because this time I had the chance of buying a VIP ticket and I was able to meet the band, attend their interview and take pictures with them! The next day they also had a conference and a signing session at Paris Manga, a big comics fair!

Allora, Giorno 1... Io e il mio ragazzo siamo volati da Milano a Parigi al mattino presto, sfortunatamente il volo non è stato molto bello per via di un po di turbolenza -.- infatti ho avuto bisogno di un po di tempo per riprendermi quando siamo atterrati! Comunque, abbiamo raggiunto Parigi 30-40 minuti dopo e abbiamo cercato qualcosa da mangiare ma, prima, dato che eravamo vicini a Baby The Stars Shine Bright (una strana coincidenza vero? ahahahah) ho visitato il negozio! Volevo guardare un jsk che avevo visto sul loro blog ma si è rivelato troppo sweet e quindi ho comprato degli accessori per capelli! Le camicie e la nuova collezione erano bellissime e la commessa molto carina e gentile!^^ Nel pomeriggio ci siamo spostati a Rue de Rivoli e abbiamo mangiato una fantastica crepe da Princess Crepe prima di raggiungere il Musée du Louvre. Mi è sempre piaciuto questo museo, sfortunatamente non avevamo abbastanza tempo per entrare! L'ultima volta l'ho visitato nel 2001, quindi molti anni fa :( Dopo questa breve visita siamo andati alla Gare St.Lazare per saltare sul treno per Eragny! In questa cittadina c'era il nostro hotel e abbiamo incontrato i nostri amici! Questa volta eravamo in molti! Sono contenta perché abbiamo conosciuto anche persone nuove e ci siamo divertiti un sacco insieme! Solo una delle nostre amiche non è potuta venire :( Spero potrà esserci la prossima volta!!!

So, Day 1... My boyfriend and I flew from Milan to Paris early in the morning, unfortunately the flight was not so good due to some turbolence -.- indeed I needed some time to pull myself together when we landed! Anyway, we reached Paris 30-40 minutes later and we looked for something to eat, but first, since we were close to Baby The Stars Shine Bright (a strange coincidence isn't it? ahahaha) I visited the shop! I wanted to take a look at a jsk that I saw on their blog but it was too sweet after all so I bought some hair accessories! The blouses and the new collection were beautiful and the salesgirl was very nice and kind!^^ In the afternoon we moved to Rue de Rivoli and we had a fantastic crepe at Princess Crepe before getting to the Musée du Louvre. I've always liked this museum, unfortunately we hadn't enough time to get inside! I last visited it in 2001 so, many years ago :( After this short visit we moved to the Gare St.Lazare because we had to jump on the train for Eragny! In this town there was our hotel and we met our friends! This time we were so many! I'm happy because we also met new people and had a lot of fun together! Only one of our friends couldn't make it :( I hope she will be able to come next time!!!

Giorno 2 Stavamo tutti in trepida attesa per il concerto!!! Ero così emozionata! Il mal di testa ha provato a mettermi ko ma ho resistito! Dopo pranzo ci siamo preparati e alle 16-16.15 io e le mie amiche stavamo aspettando la nostra entrata Vip ai Covent Garden Studios! Il mio ragazzo aveva un ingresso Premium, quindi è entrato dopo di noi e i nostri altri amici avevano i biglietti Regular e sono entrati dopo i Premium.
Durante il nostro "tempo vip" abbiamo avuto accesso prioritario al merchandising, poi abbiamo incontrato il gruppo e fatto le foto con loro! E' stato imbarazzante ma allo stesso tempo fantastico XD Ho anche dato un regalino a Hizaki! :) Dopo le foto ci hanno dato un poster autografato, un'edizione limitata solo per i Vip! Lo so, mi sto vantando un po, ma capitemi, questa volta siamo state così FORTUNATE!!!! Poi, è stato il turno dei Premium, hanno fatto le foto col gruppo e stretto loro le mani, dopo questo sono entrati tutti gli altri e abbiamo aspettato l'inizio del live! Devo dire che Zin è stato FANTASTICO, tutto il gruppo è stato fantastico ma lo sapevo già dai live precedenti (Versailles a Cava de Tirreni e Orléans), quindi Zin è stato davvero una bellissima sorpresa, è un grande cantante e la sua voce è completamente diversa dallo stile di Kamijo. Hanno anche suonato il loro nuovo singolo "Last Moment", quindi non potevamo essere più felici! Hanno suonato molto ma sfortunatamente tutte le cose belle finiscono :( Comunque ero molto felice (e lo sono ancora!) perché ero quasi in prima fila, la vista era ottima e io e le mie amiche abbiamo toccacciato parecchio XDXD
Quando è finito il live ci siamo riuniti con i nostri amici e abbiamo cenato insieme, undici persone urlanti per il locale XD era tardi ma ci hanno servito comunque.. Credo volessero che ce ne andassimo alla fine perché dovevano chiudere il ristorante!!

Day 2 We were all waiting for the concert!!! I was so excited! Headache tried to knock me out but I endured! After lunch, we got ready and at 16-16.15 my friends and I were waiting for our vip entrance at the Covent Garden Studios! My boyfriend had a Premium access, so he entered after us and our other friends had regular tickets and entered after Premiums.
During our "vip time" we got a prior access to the merchandising then, we met the band and took pics with them! It was embarassing and great at the same time XD I also gave my little gift to Hizaki! :) After pictures they gave us a signed poster, a limited edition only for Vips! I know I'm bragging myself a bit, but understand me, this time we were so LUCKY!!!! Then, it was Premiums' turn, they took pictures with the group and shook hands, after that the rest of the people entered and we waited for the live to begin! I have to say that Zin was AMAZING, the whole band was great but I knew that from previous lives (Versailles at Cava de Tirreni and Orléans), so Zin was a very good surprise, he's a great singer and his voice is completely different from Kamijo's style. They also played their new single called "Last Moment", so we couldn't be happier! They played a lot but unfortunately all good things come to an end :( Anyway I was so happy (and still I am!) because I was almost in the front row, the sight was great and my friends and I were able to touch a lot XDXD
When the live was over we joined our friends and had dinner together, eleven people screaming all over the place XD it was late but they served us anyway.. I think they wanted us to leave in the end because they had to close the restaurant!!

Giorno 3 E' stata l'ora dei saluti! :( Alcuni nostri amici sono partiti al mattino presto e non hanno potuto partecipare al Paris Manga! Solo quattro di noi ci sono andati! Avevamo le valigie quindi è stato parecchio scomodo ma ce l'abbiamo fatta comunque! C'è stata prima la conferenza, era una specie di domanda&risposta/intervista XD E poi hanno fatto la signing session! Avevo paura di perderla perché dovevamo andare in aeroporto. Fortunatamente tutto è andato bene e ho fatto autografare il mio photoset :) Mi sono congratulata con Zin e ho dato a Masashi il regalo da parte della mia amica Shira che non ha potuto essere lì :( Erano tutti amichevoli e carini ma si vedeva che erano anche stanchi! Come noi XD Quando la signing session è finita abbiamo salutato Cristina e Denise e siamo volati in aeroporto XD

E' stato uno dei migliori weekend che ho mai trascorso, spero potremo rifarlo, anche con le persone che non sono potute venire questa volta! :) Adesso sono a casa, mezza malata e mi mancano già gli amici e quelle bellissime giornate <3

Day 3 It was time to say goodbye! :( Some of our friends left early in the morning and couldn't attend Paris Manga! Only four of us could! We had baggage so it was uncomfy but, we managed anyway! The conference came first, it was a q&a/interview/ kind of thing XD And then came the signing session! I was afraid of losing it because we had to go to the airport. Luckily all went well and I had my photoset signed :) I congratulated with Zin and gave Masashi a present from my friend Shira that could not be there :( They were all friendly and nice but you can see that they were also tired! As we were XD When the signing session was over we said goodbye to Cristina and Denise and flew to the airport XD

It was one of the best weekend that I've ever spent, I hope we will be able to do that again, even with people that couldn't come this time! :) Now I'm home half-ill and already missing my friends and these beautiful days <3

Sabbia di Luna: